Ecology and sustainability is a very important topic for us. Unfortunately, this issue is very comprehensive and does not have a simple and uniform solution for all situations. In addition, here too, time brings various “fashionable” trends, which, however, often do not fulfill what they promise.

Is paper really more environmentally friendly than plastic?

It is always necessary to evaluate the optimal solution with regard to the packaged product and the entire life cycle of the packaging. This topic is also essential in the area of ​​filling systems, where damned plastic pillows have a huge advantage. 

You can’t blow paper!

Air cushions are standardly inflated at the point of packaging. 99% of the filling volume is thus air and only 1% plastic.

Advantages of PE air cushions

Different and even miraculous bioplastics could appear as a great alternative.
However, over time they turn out to be a dead end causing further complications.

The main problematic aspects of bioplastics

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